
发布日期:2022-01-08    浏览量:915

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. Teaching aims:
1. Knowledge aim:
Students are able to master the pronunciations and differences ...(填写语音以及需要注意的语音间的区别).
2. Ability aim:
Students can improve their speaking ability through chant.
3. Emotional aims:
Students will have interest and confidence in learning English.
Students can know the importance of ....(情感态度第一点可以通用,增加英语学习兴趣,增强自信。第二点根据课文实际填写,有主题意义的)
.Key and difficult points:
Key Point: How to master the pronunciations of ..., and know how to pronounce them in words.
Difficult Point: How to  ...(可以填写情感意义上的内容,比如如何关爱同伴,如何珍惜时间等)
. Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings
2. Share a chant
Step 2: Presentation
1. Show and say: Present the words with the help of pictures and say the words out.
2. Look and find: Let students find the similarities among the words and share their answers.

3. Listen and answer: Let them listen to the tape and find out the differences of the words in pronunciation.
4. Explain the pronunciation rule:(根据具体的语音归纳总结)

5.Listen and imitate:listen to the tape and follow.
Step 3: Practice
Game 1: Train game 规则:学生“开小火车”依次站起来读出老师示意的单词。

Game 2: Whisper 规则:传声筒游戏,两组比赛,教师把一组单词,悄声说给每组的第一个学生,学生一个接一个悄声口耳相传,哪组最后的同学最快且准确说出老师给定的单词,则获得胜利。

Game 3:Find their family 规则:教师在黑板上画两棵树,引导学生把单词贴在黑板上的相应的树上,贴好后拼读单词。

Step 4: Production
Ask students to make a chant based on the words that we learned today. Work in groups of four in five minutes. Later, invite some students to share their chants.

Give evaluations and encouragements.
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summary: Invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson.
Homework: Ask students to ...(可以布置读几遍单词的作业,并说给父母听)and share it with their parents.
. Blackboard design: