
发布日期:2021-04-15    浏览量:495

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121日是32届世界艾滋病日(the 32nd World AIDS Day )中国国务院总理(Chinese Premier)李克强呼吁在此之前,要坚持不懈(unremitting efforts)预防(prevent)和治疗艾滋病等重大传染病(major infectious diseases)


中共中央政治局常务委员会委员(a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee)李克强在一次指导中说,中国在艾滋病防治方面取得了显著成绩(marked achievements),同时也面临一些需要关注的新情况( facing some new situations requiring attention)。他指出,相关机构应以疾病防控体系改革为契机,继续创新机制和方法,确保良好的公共卫生服务,关注重点领域、群体和环节。(Relevant agencies should take the reform of the disease prevention and control system as an opportunity to continue to innovate mechanisms and methods, ensure sound public health services, and focus on key areas, groups and links)


在强调需要增加在预防和治疗方面的投入(input)的同时,李克强说,应该加强药物的科技研发,不断提高患者的生活质量。(scientific and technological research and development of drugs should be strengthened and the patients' life quality should be constantly improved)要提高教育和干预的有效性,加强监测和预警,更好地发挥社会组织在艾滋病防治中的作用。( it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of education and intervention, strengthen monitoring and early warning, and give better play to the role of social organizations in AIDS prevention.)





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